Best Android apps for:
Zywoty swietych

Welcome to our page that compiles the best android apps related to the keyword: zywoty swietych. Here we will list apps that focus on the topic of Saints' Lives, and look at their features and user reviews. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a religious follower, or just curious to learn more - these apps can help you discover and explore the inspiring lives of the Saints. Continue reading to find the perfect app for you! ...

Sword of God in the struggle against evil - the rosary. The application allows pray the Rosary and chaplet of Divine Mercy. When we installed Text-to-speech the application "pray" is also with us. It is important to install the...

Witaj!Oddajemy w Twoje ręce bezpłatną aplikację z tekstem Pisma Świętego Biblii Tysiąclecia. Umożliwia ona czytanie Pisma Świętego w dowolny sposób - ciągły lub wybranymi fragmentami, w czym dodatkowo pomaga opcja dodawania do...

The most comprehensive Catholic App . Available in English, Español, Português, Française, Deutsch, Nederlands, Slovenský, Italiano, Bahasa, Polski, Slovenski, Hrvatski, Việt, 简体, 繁體 and Românesc. Daily Mass Readings, Order of Mass,...

The 3 Minute Catechism - short 3MC - consists of 72 hand drawn and animated episodes each 3-4 minutes long, that follow the Christian Creed and explain the basics of the Catholic Faith. Originally released on 2 affordable DVDs we are now making...

Modlitwa łączy w sobie różne cechy wezwania: prośbę, podziękowanie, hołd itd. Nie trzeba wielu słów aby Mi się przypodobać - wystarczy, że Mnie bardzo kochasz. Mów do Mnie, jak gdybyś rozmawiał ze swoim przyjacielem.Modlitwy...

Modlitewnik to aplikacja, w której znajdziesz podstawowe modlitwy i litanie. Dzięki niej każda chwila będzie dobra, na krótką modlitwę!W aktualnej wersji: * Rozważania różańcowe (dzięki uprzejmości sióstr Loretanek) * Rozważania Drogi...

App: covers key topics connected with St. Faustina, devotion to the Divine Mercy in the forms handed on to her by Jesus, daily thoughts from her “Diary,” and information about the capital of devotion to Divine Mercy: Shrine in...

Brewiarz - modlitwa codzienna Ludu Bożego po polsku w Twoim telefonie.Wierni, którzy celebrują liturgię Godzin, jednoczą się z Chrystusem, naszym Najwyższym Kapłanem, przez modlitwę psalmów, rozważanie słowa Bożego, pieśni i...

Lekcjonarz. Słowo Boże na dziś to zbiór czytań i Ewangelii używanych w całym roku liturgicznym.Dzięki tej niezwykle prostej aplikacji: - zyskasz stały kontakt ze Słowem Bożym - pogłębisz życie duchowe - lepiej zrozumiesz...

Aplikacja – napisana w celach ewangelizacyjnych – daje możliwość dogłębnego zapoznania się z treścią Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego. Dostępne jest wyszukiwanie wg hasła tematycznego (lista haseł jest tożsama z indeksem...

Modlitwa w drodze to codzienne, oparte na Ewangelii, kilkunastominutowe rozważania modlitewne, w formie dźwiękowej i tekstowej. Proponowana modlitwa zakorzeniona jest w duchowości ignacjańskiej. Dzięki niej odkryjesz, jak Słowo Boże, jak...

SMS z Nieba to inicjatywa ewangelizacyjna, która funkcjonuje od 01.11.2006 roku, kiedy to przez pierwszą z koordynatorek projektu Joannę Mrozik z Białej Podlaskiej, na telefony komórkowe zostały wysłane pierwsze smsy ze Słowem Bożym oraz z...

The JP2 app brings you selected quotations from Pope John Paul II. This application was created for the occasion of the canonization of Pope John Paul II. The app displays a daily "Quote of the Day" – a source of daily inspiration. It...

Zadaniem tej prostej aplikacji jest wyświetlanie wybranej myśli z Dzienniczka św. Siostry Faustyny Kowalskiej na każdy dzień. Użytkownik o godzinie 15:00 otrzymuje powiadomienie o dostępnym cytacie w postaci czerwonego serduszka.Aplikacja...

Aplikacja losuje jeden z adresów Pisma Świętego - wybrany jest początek akapitu - podtytułAdresy i podtytuły zostały użyte z Biblii Tysiąclecia IV wydanie wydawnictwa PallotinumFunkcja "czytaj on-line" przekierowuje na adres...

Short Bible readings read each midday at community prayer in Taizé. Also includes a short daily meditation by brother Roger (unconnected with the Bible text). The application works offline: texts updates are downloaded from the Internet. Bible...

Pobierz Kalendarz biblijny, czyli pierwszą w sieci aplikację, która: - jest pierwszym kalendarzem z zamieszczonymi świętami katolickimi, świętymi danego dnia, świętami państwowymi - zawiera namiary czytań biblijnych każdego dnia,...

Kalendarz Liturgiczny - aplikacja łącząca dni kalendarzowe ze świętami katolickimi, wspomnieniem osób świętych i błogosławionych oraz przedstawiająca do rozmyślań fragment Ewangelii na dany dzień. Liturgical Calendar - application...

In the application you will find shared biblical readings for particular days of the liturgical year, which were varied with video materials allowing you to listen to them comfortably. Readings are accompanied by a daily video comment / homily and...

Simplified version application Scriptures PL. ------- Hello! We put in your hands free application with the text of Scripture Millennium Bible. It allows reading of Scripture in any way - continuously or selected portions, in which further helps...

The "Every Day" was created for people who would like to have quick and easy access to daily meditation Bible. Interesting thoughts Dennis Kinlawa, often confronting the reader with reality and provoking thoughts can be a great escape from...

The application "OurModlitwa" aims to connect people who need prayer support with those who want to respond to this need. Do you want someone to pray in your case? Create your own intention and let others join her. Or maybe you want to...

The "five minutes of God" is an electronic form of the prayer book, published since the beginning of 2017. As a free supplement to the weekly "Catholic Guide". Prayer Book has been prepared in order to God in our lives had its...

We give into your hands the Scriptures application of the latest translation of Scripture with commentary prepared by the team of scholars from the Polish initiative of the Society of St. Paul. Application of Scripture - the first application of the...

Prayer of the Rosary audio anywhere - in the car, bus, at home. Rosary Polish Audio Offline: Mon - Joyful secrets Wto - Painful secrets Śro - Glorious mysteries Thurs - Secrets of light Fri - Painful secrets Sat - Joyful secrets No - Glorious... is an application thanks to which: - you will add your request for prayer, - you will pray for the intentions of those who want your prayer, - you will learn the prayer book, lexicon of Saints, Holy Bible and current Catholic...

Those present application, which is an inspiring journey through the most important issues of the Bible Old and New Testaments. Here you can discover the prophecies about the end of the world, you can find out how the hell, who is behind the great...

It is proposed at your disposal sensational treasury church songs - song book, which includes more than 10,000 hymns for each day. Many years of experience, knowledge, willingness and need to sing it possible to edit the songs in the electronic...

This daily devotional book is aimed at all those who are ready, in this busy time, to listen to God for a moment when He speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. Being a daily devotional book, it helps to contribute to making these moments happen...

Songbook Christian songs used in the assemblies of an evangelical (including Christian Community Pentecostal, Evangelical Christian Church, the Pentecostal Church and the Church of Free Christians). The application contains exactly the same 875...

Examination of Conscience is an application that supports the faithful to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance. Properly and honestly made self-examination is a prerequisite for a good confession leads to reflection on the proceedings and the...

Mass online application and online service allows thousands of people to watch Masses and devotions on their computer screens or mobile devices. The website has been prepared for the sick and for traveling to places where it is...

The Christian Song Collection is a songbook with 2,000 songs. They come, inter alia, with the Pilgrim Songbook and Songwriter Song. Most of them have been known for a long time in the Lord's congregations. However, there will be those that have...

God bless! This application is dedicated in a special way to priests, brothers and nuns and to all those who daily pray for the Liturgy of the Hours, and health problems or old age prevent them from reading the texts from the breviary. It was also...

Saint Padre Pio - the contents of the application:  - Information about St. Padre Pio  - the Holy Rosary. Padre Pio  - Novena to St. Padre Pio  - Selection of prayer for the intercession of St. Padre Pio

Audio Bible - Old and New Testament is the largest radio play in Europe. Radio play in which the actors play different roles, all immersed in the modern soundtrack. We created a "film without image" - let your imagination will show you...

Apklikacja "Praise the Lord" is a version of a book release eloktroniczną "Praise the Lord - songbook and prayer for the believers of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Ostrava-Opava at the Cieszyn Silesia" on the basis...

Tysiaclecia Bible (BT) - Polish translation of the Bible from original languages ​​initiated by the Tyniec Benedictine Abbey from Krakow, published by Pallottinum for the first time in 1965. This was the first translation of the whole Bible into...

The application includes:   - Novena to Saint. Joseph   - Collection of Prayers to Saint. Joseph

READ, THINK ABOUT & SHARE life-changing words from the Bible! The LCWords app will deliver a Bible verse to you every day. Read, be inspired, and pass on the inspiration to others on Facebook, Twitter via text message or email. KEY...

The Saint Bernardine sisters living in the enclosure are custodians of the Sanctuary of St. Joseph in Kraków and offer the "Saint Józef my guardian" mobile application, so that users can establish a relationship especially with Jesus...

We often speak of our life as a road. Moving around it, we need reference points, direction indicators and warning signs. Every day, the Bible is a source from which we can draw the right inspirations for our everyday lives and help us make our...

Follow JC Go! It is a game based on location, 3D and free to play. It allows players to form their eTeam (Evangelization Team), made up of friends, biblical characters, saints, blesseds and marian advocations. The eTeam will help you generate a...

Content: - Novena to Saint Jude Thaddeus - Prayer - Rosary

The application is an extension of the Portal, which has existed since March 10, 2006. Portal works in the spirit of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Thanks to the commitment of priests, Sisters, Oasis and many other people...